When it comes to joint pain, we can sometimes be our own worst enemies. Our daily habits can wreak havoc on our joints. Below, are some habits that can lead to bad joint health.
Not moving enough: Having a sedentary lifestyle can lead to strain on joints and cartilage. This is, in part, caused by lack of blood flow to these areas when we’re not moving. If you’re working a desk job, take a break from sitting every 10-15 minutes or so to stretch, walk around, or at least shift positions.
Nonstop repetitive activities: Repetitive activities can lead to joint strain, particularly in our hands and shoulders. These activities include typing, chopping food, and texting. Take breaks every two to three minutes when doing these activities.
Carrying excess weight: Being overweight can put extra strain on our joints, particularly our knees and hips. To ease this load, see a doctor about a diet and exercise plan that is good for your particular health needs.
Not doing strength training: Strength training helps strengthen the muscles that support the joints. Studies have tied strength training to lessening pain levels.
Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D: Optimal levels of both lead to stronger bones and joints.1
Our daily habits can play a big role in our overall health. It’s important to be able to identify problem habits and correct them to optimize our quality of life.
Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med. 357:266–281.