Our News & Bulletins

Boosting Your Energy: Simple Lifestyle Changes Combat Fatigue. Picture of an older black male and an older black female walking outside in a park.

Boosting Your Energy: Simple Lifestyle Changes Combat Fatigue

In today’s fast-paced world, fatigue seems to be an all-too-common complaint. Juggling work, family caregiving, and personal responsibilities can leave us feeling drained and depleted. However, in the quest for higher energy levels, many individuals overlook the power of simple lifestyle changes. Let’s explore how small adjustments to your daily routine can make a significant […]

Understanding the Impact of Aging on Focus and Concentration. Picture of an older black male with a strong look of concentration on his face.

Understanding the Impact of Aging on Focus and Concentration

As we age, it’s natural for various aspects of our cognitive function to change. One area that often undergoes noticeable shifts is our ability to focus and maintain concentration. Whether it’s forgetting where you left your keys or finding it harder to stay engaged in a task, the effects of aging on focus can be […]

In Odor to Tell. Picture of part of a caucasian male's face showing his eye and nose.

In Odor to Tell

Someday doctors may be able to screen for Alzheimer’s using a simple scratch and sniff test, according to two Columbia University studies. Dr. William Kreisl, a neurologist at Columbia University, and a team of researchers studied 84 people in their 60s and 70s, including 58 with memory problems indicative of early Alzheimer’s. Participants took the […]
